with Business Transformation expert
Lauren-Spagnola Robins
Lauren is a global executive and change agent, helping companies grow faster, with greater profitability by implementing efficient, scalable, agile operations. After starting her career as a consultant, she spent over 15 years with consumer products leader Diageo ($16B), implementing operating models and platforms, technology, shared services, and high-performing teams empowering the company to grow and scale during a period of hyper-growth. Her experience implementing change agendas across 25+ countries has honed her global perspective, enabling her to partner with executives to grow and pivot their businesses fast - delivering value here and now, while building a sustainable foundation for the future.
Lauren and her husband Steve, and children Finley and Keller live in NYC. When they are not out seeking adventure, they are community advocates, working with organizations like the St Ann’s Community Center and Franz Hotel to support families in need. Lauren, a member of Chief, Ellevate, and Luminary, is passionate about growing women leaders and helping women in all walks of life to thrive.
Learn more about Lauren's expertise:
Lauren Full bio (pdf)
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